Bin the Baggage!

We are the highest of all God’s creation, not because of what we do,  because of what we are capable of doing…of loving, unconditionally and selflessly.

It gives me great comfort to know that I have not yet become what I am intended to. That, unhindered, God’s grace transforms the most gluttonous caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly whose mere sight fills the beholder with rapture.

To that end, a tool we use in our family is self examination. After dinner the family sits together for a simple prayer and then, self-examination. Each person says something that they are sorry for and each child is thanked for their candor. After some candid discussions, giggles and banter on how to avoid the pitfalls, we have put away the days “baggage”.

Even  the littlest children are eager to fess up in this loving environment. Hearing their parents’ confessions lets them know that it is OK if they haven’t become butterflies yet!

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