The Ides of March

“Et tu Brute?”
—William Shakespeare (Julius Caesar, 3.1.77)

Everybody has pet peeves. I didn’t realize mine until recently. This last year has been hard for most people and it has been no different for me as well. And like most people the pandemic has given me a lot of time for introspection. Last year I was blessed to have completed 50 revolutions around the sun.

Looking back…one of my realizations is that my pet peeve is loyalty.  But just because it’s a pet peeve, I am not excused for having it. When I look around, I feel so blessed for having a loving family, for beautiful sunrises and morning moons…for wide open skies and rolling greens…yes, I have much to be thankful for. God loves me so much with all these blessings and more…all He asks in return is a loving and forgiving heart.

I have realized that it is much easier for your brain to forgive than your heart. That is, it is easier for you to want to forgive than actually forgiving. Like all things in life, this is also a journey. A journey strengthened by conversations in the silence of my heart. I wish you, the reader, endurance, faith and hope in your journey to conquer your pet peeve…


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