
”Do you have joy without a cause,

Yea, faith without hope?”

—G. K. Chesterton

(from the Ballad of the White Horse)

Chesterton makes the point that true joy, unlike its transient impersonator, is purposeful. The source and goal are both the Creator. In this holiday season where fleeting emotions frequently masquerade as joy, it helps me to take some time out to remember what the true source of my joy is.

Being a child of the day, darkness of night brings with it self-doubt and a sense of hopelessness, both of which could be gateways to depression. An evening prayer with my family restores my joy…because then, my source and goal are both clear.

As parents and as humans wanting to make an impact in this world, it is easy to only see our failures…especially when our bodies are tired and we are emotionally drained. It is then that we need to have cause for joy and also, faith for hope.

True joy is that which is from the Creator and when given away refills us exponentially. For me, that is doing a little something beyond my comfort for someone else…

Wishing you all a Joyous New Year!

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